Pulmonary Infections in Immunocompromised Patients Engage with real cases to develop your skills in differentiating pulmonary infections

Bringing pulmonary infection into focus

Radiological imaging with chest X-ray and computed tomography (CT) is an essential part of the diagnostic evaluation and treatment of pulmonary infections1. It is particularly important in immunocompromised patients, where such infections are common, with a high prevalence of morbidity and mortality2. Due to the overlapping appearances of different pulmonary infections and non-infectious diseases, interpreting scans can be challenging. From bacterial pneumonia to invasive fungal infections this module covers the breadth of infections that may be suspected in an immunocompromised patient to support clinicians to improve their image reporting skills and optimise the utility of these diagnostic tools.

Report And Image Quality Control (RAIQC) is an expert-curated, online educational platform that simulates clinical workflows with real-life cases and diagnostic images – a HCP ‘flight simulator for image interpretation’. By bringing cases to life and providing a safe place to practice, RAIQC drives competent and confident medical image reporting.

The ‘Pulmonary Infections in Immunocompromised Patients’ modules are a free three-part educational package. 

Key benefits:

  • Recognise and differentiate between pulmonary infections in immunocompromised patients
  • Improve accuracy and confidence
  • Assess your own ability in a safe simulator environment
  • Earn CPD points at your own pace
  1. Singh, D. Imaging of Pulmonary Infections. Thoracic Imaging 147-172 (2019).
  2. Franquet, T. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of lung infections in non-AIDS immunocompromised patients. European Radiology 16, 707–718 (2006).

This package includes the following modules:

  • 3

    Pulmonary Infections in ICPs - Educational content

    Educational content with example cases on Pulmonary Infections in the Immunocompromised Patients (ICPs).

  • 4 40

    Pulmonary Infections in ICPs - Training cases

    A series of real-world cases where you're required to detect whether a pulmonary infection is present on the scans with immediate feedback provided on your reporting accuracy.

  • 1 10

    Pulmonary Infections in ICPs - Assessment cases

    A series of cases to be reviewed in a real-world fashion: no case-by-case feedback is offered, but a summary of your reporting accuracy is provided on completion. 

Modules within this package can be completed in any order

You must sign in or register to access this package

Please note that this package is only available to healthcare professionals.

Package Summary

  • Pulmonary Infections in Immunocompromised Patients
  • Created 21 April, 2023
    Last updated 15 June, 2023 Apr 21
  • Module types included:

    • Educational content 1
    • Training 1
    • Assessment 1
  • Training and assessment cases 50
  • CPD points available 8
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