The management of patients presenting with acute neurological pathology has been revolutionised by cross-sectional imaging. Computer tomography (CT) scans of the head are the most common imaging referral from the Emergency Department and are frequently requested by clinicians across the spectrum of specialities.
Non-enhanced head CT is the first-line investigation for head trauma, providing excellent sensitivity for intracranial haemorrhage, and can also play a role in the initial assessment of potential stroke and space-occupying lesions. Understanding the appearances of key pathologies can help support efficient initiation of emergency management.
This Acute Pathology on Head CT package aims to provide clinicians with the fundamental knowledge of brain anatomy and common and important intracranial pathologies. It demonstrates how to recognise both normal and abnormal appearances through concise educational content. Skills in interpretation are developed with real-world training cases and demonstrated via the assessment module.
The pathologies explored in this package include:
- Intracranial haemorrhage
- Stroke
- Space occupying lesions
- Mass effect
- Skull fractures
Upon completion of the modules, reporting statistics are calculated and certificates can be downloaded or shared as evidence of your continuous professional development.
Key benefits:
- Learn how to recognise common and important acute abnormalities on head CT scans
- Build your foundation in interpretation and hone your skills in a safe, simulated online environment.
- Prove your competence with real-world acute cases
- Earn CPD points at your own pace
This package includes the following modules:
Acute Pathology on Head CT - Educational content
Teaching material with real-world cases explaining the appearances of common acute pathologies on Head CT scans
Acute Pathology on Head CT - Training cases
A series of real-world head CT cases where you’re asked whether an acute pathology is present, with immediate feedback provided on each case.
Acute Pathology on Head CT - Assessment cases
Test how well you can spot acute abnormalities on Head CT scans, with a summary of your accuracy provided on module completion.
You must sign in or register to access this package
Package Summary
- Acute Pathology on Head CT
Created 21 April, 2023
Last updated 29 May, 2024 -
Module types included:
- Educational content 1
- Training 1
- Assessment 1
- Training and assessment cases 100
- CPD points available 12